Nitratine Blog Feed

Spotify Playlist Downloader
A Python script to download a Spotify playlist to MP3 using YouTube as an audio source. The MP3s are tagged and given album art using Spotify
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Quick Script
A small GUI that displays home-made scripts to be executed. The scripts will appear in a scrolling window and on selection they will run and the window will then close (can be configured). Sample scripts included.
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Simulate Keypresses In Python
This demonstrates how to press keys with Python. Using pynput we are able to simulate key presses into any window. This will show you how to press and release a key, type special keys and type a sentence.
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Python Keylogger
This is a Python keylogger which will work on Windows, Mac and Linux. This script uses the pynput module. This python keylogger will store typed keys in a file in order of when they were typed.
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How To Get Mouse Clicks With Python
This demonstration shows you how to track mouse clicks, movements and even scrolls using the pynput module. These can then be logged to a file as no console is displayed. This is very similar to a mouse logger.
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How To Setup Python's PIP
This tutorial demonstrates how to set up Python's PIP. PIP is a package manager for pip that allows you to download third-party modules easily. I explain how to find your scripts folder and how to find pip.
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Get WiFi Passwords With Python
This script searches windows for wifi passwords with python already known and displays them alongside the network name. It will not find passwords that your computer doesn't already know. This is useful for the occasions that you forget your WiFi password.
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Convert .py to .exe
A demonstration of how to package a python script into an executable file. This tutorial includes compiling to one file, no console, how to add an icon and adding other files to the final package.
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Randomly Generating Numbers to Fulfil an Integer Range
This experiment looks at how many randoms numbers will need to be generated to fulfil an integer range. I use python to generate random numbers and simulate thousands of tests. This was conducted to find the range of 16,777,216 for an app I had developed.
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Interesting Sites
A list of the most interesting and engaging sites I have discovered which I recommend you to visit. I found them while on the hunt for colours and designs for projects.
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