Nitratine Blog Feed


Issues When Using auto-py-to-exe

After helping many of people fix issues with auto-py-to-exe and PyInstaller, this post contains what I think you should understand and ways to fix issues you are having with auto-py-to-exe.

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Encryption and Decryption in Python

In this post, I discuss how to encrypt and decrypt messages in Python using symmetric encryption. I will demonstrate how to create keys, save keys and how to encrypt messages and text.

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Asymmetric Encryption and Decryption in Python

In this post, I demonstrate the usage of the cryptography module in Python by using the asymmetric key method RSA to encrypt and decrypt messages.

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Am I A Participant

Check if you are a participant of a conversation in Gmail. Helps you stop sending emails with the wrong address.

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University of Waikato Moodle Resource Work Around Ignorer

A chrome extension to solve the Waikato Universities resource work around in Moodle.

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Multi Clipboard

A simple clipboard manager so you will never find yourself copying the same thing twice. Images, text and files are supported and unlimited amounts of saved clipboards can be created. Switch clipboard contents using a simple GUI.

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How to Clean a Twitter Account with jQuery

This article covers how I used jQuery on to delete all my tweets and remove all my likes and accounts I follow.

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Python GUI's with PyQt

This tutorial covers the basics of how to create GUI's in Python using PyQt5. I will demonstrate how to find the designer and basic usage, converting .ui to .py, running the output file and connecting events to methods.

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Media Picker

I had been requested to help someone with filtering a lot of images taken with a camera. This would need to occur regularly so I created an interface that would help them easily select what photos they wanted.

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Putting auto-py-to-exe on PyPI

I have finally decided to put auto-py-to-exe on the Python Package Index. Auto-py-to-exe can now be installed using pip by executing 'pip' install auto-py-to-exe.

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