Nitratine Blog Feed


How To Set Up Open Drone Map On Windows

This tutorial explains how to get WebODM running on Windows using WSL 2, Ubuntu and Docker Desktop.

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Python Face Recognition Tutorial

In this tutorial, I explain the setup and usage of the Python face_recognition library. This library can be used to detect faces using Python and identify facial features.

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How To Serve A React App From A Python Server

In this tutorial, I explain how to serve a React application from a Python Flask server and how we can set up a postbuild script to automatically move the build React app to the server after a build.

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How To Take A Screenshot In Python Using MSS

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to take a screenshot using MSS in Python. This library can take screenshots of all displays individually and supports Window, macOS and Linux.

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How To Take A Screenshot In Python Using PIL

In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to take a screenshot using PIL in Python. Window, macOS and Linux are all supported.

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Python Beautiful Soup Basics Tutorial

This tutorial covers the basics of the Python Beautiful Soup library including installation, parsing HTML/XML, finding elements and getting element data.

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Python File Backup Script

This script allows you to backup a file or folder as a zip file into a backup folder. It is designed to be run periodically for backing up something like an SQLite database.

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Python GCM Encryption Tutorial

This tutorial covers what AES GCM mode encryption is, the benefits of it and how to use it in the PyCryptodome Python library to encrypt and decrypt files and other objects.

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How to Manage Multiple Python Distributions

Having multiple distributions of Python installed and not managing them correctly can lead to confusion. In this post, I discuss how to identify this potential mess and methods to fix it.

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How to Use pynput's Mouse and Keyboard Listener at the Same Time

In this tutorial I show you how to fix naming collisions from Python imports and provide an example of using pynput's mouse and keyboard listeners together.

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