Nitratine Blog Feed


How to Create Dialogs in Python

In this post, I demonstrate dialogs that are provided in the Python standard library by showing you how to use them and what they look like.

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How to Import a PyQt5 .ui File in a Python GUI

In this tutorial, I explain how to import .ui files created using PyQt5's designer tool in Python and how to connect widgets from the GUI to methods in Python.

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How To Hash Passwords In Python

In this tutorial, I cover the usage of PBKDF2_HMAC to encrypt passwords with a salt using Python.

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Fix: 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command

This is tutorial on how to fix the classic error, 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file, when trying to call Python from a terminal

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Python Encryption and Decryption with PyCryptodome

PyCryptodome is a fork of PyCrypto that brings enhancements on top of the now unmaintained PyCrypto library. This tutorial demonstrates using the library by encrypting strings and files using AES.

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JavaScript Date Methods Return Values

This is a tool to help you quickly look at function return types of a JavaScript date object and change the date to see what happens

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How to Hash Files in Python

Hashing files allows us to generate a string/byte sequence that can help identify a file. This can then be used by comparing the hashes of two or more files to see if these files are the same as well as other applications.

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Google Publisher Toolbar: Please copy this code

When first installing Google Publisher Toolbar, you may be asked, "Please copy this code, switch to your application and paste it there". In this post, I look into a method on how to fix this and allow you to use the extension.

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Python Requests Tutorial

This is a basic Python requests tutorial to help you get started with sending HTTP requests in Python. This will cover all the basics that you will need and want to know when making HTTP requests in Python.

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Python Size and Time Cache Decorator

A Python decorator that allows developers to cache function return values and include expirations on remembered values.

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