Price Per Unit

A simple Android app that helps you compare prices of similar products. Save money in a smart way.

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I really wanted some more practice with the Android SDK so I decided to make something that I would have liked to have.

This app compares prices for similar items and will calculate the price per unit for each item. These values can then be compared to find the best value for money. Simply give a name (optional), enter in the cost, amount and size of each item and the unit per dollar will be calculated.

This app is ideal to find the best price in supermarkets but will work just in well at other stores that sell the same type of items for different prices or you can even compare prices from different stores.


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  • 4 unit types (Weight, Volume, Length and Pieces) with sub-units
  • Easily change the currency symbol
  • Summary of calculated unit/$
  • Can view all items converted to one single unit
  • Remember data after the app is closed
  • Change rounding decimal places
  • No permissions!
  • No Ads!
  • Collects no data!

Getting Started

Clone the repo at and then use "Import Project" in Android Studio to open the project.


  • Android SDK 26
  • Android Build Tools v27.0.3
  • Android Support Repository
  • com.balysv:material-ripple:1.0.2