What is AzCopy and why use it?

AzCopy is a command-line utility offered by Microsoft that you can use to copy blobs or files to or from a storage account. Rather than using SMB, AzCopy is a much faster method to transfer files between your local machine and an Azure Storage Account File Share.

In this tutorial, we will only look at moving files between your local machine and an Azure Storage Account File Share. AzCopy also supports blobs and functions in a similar way but is not covered in this tutorial.


Download AzCopy from this Microsoft page, when complete, unzip the .zip file to find azcopy.exe.

All commands from here on in will use this azcopy.exe file. To use the file, you can:

  • You can then move this file to a location that is in your PATH environment variable so that you can run it from anywhere
  • Use an absolute reference to the exe, for example in PowerShell: & "C:/Users/USER/Downloads/azcopy_windows_amd64_10.16.0/azcopy.exe"
  • Execute your commands from the directory that the azcopy.exe file is in

Obtaining a SAS Token

To interact with a file share, you will need a SAS token for authorization.

Generate a SAS token for the storage account by following these steps:

  1. Go to the storage account in Azure portal
  2. Go to "Shared access signature" under "Security + networking"
  3. "Allowed services" = "File" only
  4. "Allowed resource types" = all
  5. "Allowed permissions" = all
  6. "Start and expiry date/time" = leave start time, set end time to something close (1hr)
  7. "Allowed IP addresses" = your current IP address
  8. Click "Generate SAS and connection string"
  9. Copy the value for "SAS token" - COPY IT BEFORE NAVIGATING AWAY

Uploading / Importing

To upload a single file, execute:

azcopy.exe copy ./path/to/single_file.txt "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>?<sas_token>"
# For example,
azcopy.exe copy ./path/to/single_file.txt "https://mystorageaccount.file.core.windows.net/myfileshare?sv=2021-06-..."

If you want to put it somewhere other than the root, use something like:

# Into a specific folder (destination/file/)
azcopy.exe copy ./path/to/single_file.txt "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>/destination/file/?<sas_token>"
# Rename at the same time (specify file name - destination/file/new_file.txt)
azcopy.exe copy ./path/to/single_file.txt "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>/destination/file/new_file.txt?<sas_token>"

To upload a directory, execute:

azcopy.exe copy ./path/to/directory "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>?<sas_token>" --recursive

This will copy the folder "directory" and all of its contents to the root of the file share - it will create a new "directory" folder. You can specify a destination folder by adding it to the end of the URL, for example: https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>/destination/folder/?<sas_token>

To upload all files in a directory (and not create a new directory), execute:

azcopy.exe copy ./path/to/directory/* "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>?<sas_token>"

Note the * at the end of the source path. This will copy all files in the directory, but not the directory itself.

Downloading / Exporting

To copy a single file, execute:

azcopy.exe copy "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>/<file_name>?<sas_token>" ./path/to/single_file.txt
# For example,
azcopy.exe copy "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>/path/to/file/filename.text?<sas_token>" ./path/to/single_file.txt

To copy a directory, execute:

azcopy.exe copy "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>/<directory_name>?<sas_token>" ./path/to/directory

To copy all files in a directory, execute:

azcopy.exe copy "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>/<directory_name>/?<sas_token>" ./path/to/directory --recursive

This will copy the directory into the directory you named locally - you can get around this by using * like above top copy all files but not the directory itself.

Clearing a File Share

azcopy.exe rm "https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<file_share_name>?<sas_token>" --recursive